Tourniquet Tourniquet - Cage 23 (feat. Gabbie Rae & Ashley Argota)

Well I walked right in the front door
Started moving down the rows of so many cages
All the faces staring back at me
Each and every one with a sad story

I wonder how they got here
Where did they come from
Somewhere somehow
Someone didn't want them anymore

I paused at cage number 23
As a dog with a sad but hopeful face was looking up at me
I said: I'll take you home someday, but not today
And if not by me, by some other family, I'm sure

Hang tight my little friend while I figure it out
A better life waits for you just around the bend
Hang tight my little friend while I figure it out
Just wait for me and you'll soon be free

Every year, approximately 7 million companion animals
Enter animal shelters nationwide
Sadly, over 2 million of these precious animals
Are euthanized before anyone comes to give them a home
Together, we can change these tragic statistics

In Cage 23 and beyond, they're waiting
Waiting to offer their unconditional love, their loyalty
And a bond that can't be put into words
Will you make room in your home
And in your heart to change not only their life
But very likely, yours too

So when I finally found the time to take him home with me
I walked back to find an empty Cage 23
They said nobody came to rescue him
His time ran out, I'm sorry he's gone
Oh how I miss that special soul in Cage 23